Judah's birth story is half way written up. I was in the middle of it when I really started to feel wonky Saturday night, and had to stop writing and go to bed. A few hours after that, I woke back up with a slight fever. A fever in a new mom is NOT good at all, so I called my midwife to see what she thought I should do. With my symptoms combined, (lower, achy stomach/uterus, headache, fever/chills,) it did not look good and sounded a lot like some kind of infection so we went to the ER right away.
Sure enough, after doing multiple blood tests and an ultrasound, the doctor found that I indeed did/do have an aggressive infection that is in the lining of my uterus. It's called endometritis, and can happen, (surprise, surprise,) after having a long labor, among other things. Here's a link with more information on it. My treatment for it called for 48 hours of IV antibiotics, followed with another round of antibiotics when we get home.