Today church was outside at the band shell. It was so nice! Addy thought we were going to listen to music and I guess we kind of did. It did get a little warm and Addy kept telling me, "I'm too hot, mama!" She's a doll. We also found more mulberries on our walk tonight. Addy looked like the joker after she ate a bunch with her purple mouth.
I've been using homemade laundry detergent for about 2 weeks now and I cannot tell a difference. I was using Shaklee detergent (which I love so much) but I am a cheapo and it was just too expensive for our family. So, the recipe for this stuff is 1 bar of soap, (I use ivory), 2 cups baking soda, and 2 gallons of really warm water. Grate the soap, heat it up (until it melts) and add it to the water. Then add the baking soda and shake it all up. I use squeeze bottle to pour it into smaller increments because the soap settles at the top and it's easier to shake it up right before it's used. Then you use a half cup for a load of laundry.
So, that's that! Oh I think I spent less than 2 dollars for one batch! and that's at least 30 loads of really dirty laundry. There are a ton more recipes online but I had a really hard time finding washing soda at wal-mart. I prefer using dry soap over liquid... so I'm still hunting for that.
My little lovie has a good time at grandpa Larry's in the pool. Don't worry, Aaron was right there with her, watching her float.
Well that's all for now. I'm going to bed only to wake up in a few hours to use the bathroom, then again around 3:30am then probably again around 7... lucky girl!
God Bless!